- You don’t know exactly where your enemy is hiding at or shooting from.
- Finding the enemy is difficult and the beginning is always the toughest. You sometimes feel like you are starting with an empty board.
- You have to manage both an offensive and a defensive strategy (sink their boats while not letting them sink your boats)
- You have limited time and have to manage your “moves” to win.
- You only get one turn at a time. While everyone seems to think they are good at multi-tasking, the bad guy is moving at the same (or faster) pace as you, so you have to keep and there is no “time out.
- Your strategy is to manage “time and take.” The bad guy is firing on you and there is no way to completely protect your boats. So, your job is to slow the bad guy down, and minimize how much they take from you (whether it be boat explosions, data theft, or business compromise)
- Ships are different sizes and value from a strategic standpoint. You can’t protect all of your boats in the same manner.
- Unlike in Battleship, some IS leaders do not fully know where their own ships are, where they are placed, what protections they have against enemies, and which ships are most important. If they don’t know their company business intricacies well, it’s risks, or where their own ships (information assets) are even a placed, they start their game with a significant disadvantage.
- In Cyber Security, you get a chance to add additional controls to protect your ships. While there is still no failsafe protections, you have a chance to deflect torpedoes.
- Also in Cyber Security, you have a chance to try to detect enemy torpedoes before getting hit.
- In Battleship, you only get hit and sink, or sink the enemy. There is no need or ability to manage the impact once the first torpedo hits. In Cyber Security, how you handle the explosions are half the battle (and likely what you will be remembered for and whether you will keep your Admiral title)
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